
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Spare Moments

That could be the whole post summed up in one word.
The holidays came and went and another New Year is upon us.
I must be getting old, because the years seem to be getting shorter.

To share all the gory details of what my days have been comprised
would likely have you nodding off in no time.
But as the temperatures have dropped, 
so too have the activities.
(My "Quilt in a Day" aka Forever Quilt)

I find it's a perfect time to focus on those little needling tasks
that lurk in the corners and jump out and remind us of their presence
when we least desire it.
And with that I will share~
I have about 30 years worth of photos that were 
yes, that is the right word
adorning the spare room bed.
They have haunted me for some time.
Long - oh, mini-series style long story short,
I have been working on them.
I am through my second album.
Next, I will get our wedding pictures in an album.
Have I mentioned, I am not a scrapbooker?
It's so not my thing.

Something else I like to do this time of year
is what I refer to as cleaning to the corners.
Well, "like" might not be exactly the right word.
But it really is a good time to get some of those tasks
taken care of that get neglected the rest of the year.
Oooor is that just me?
(Getting Our Tree)

The decorations are down.
Most of the pine needles are vacuumed up.
There are always some strays aren't there?
Now we can settle in with our new books we received for Christmas
and enjoy the long evenings.
My phone has some annoying settings somewhere I am not privy to
which means what I do is anonymous or entirely blocked.
So I have found that lately I've not been "online" as much.
I like it.
I try to remember what it was like before we were all so
supposedly connected.
While there are many folks and sites that I really like,
I seem to be calmer when I disconnect a little more.

(Thrift store box that just needed conditioning.)

I have found a few spare and much needed moments to pick up my needle and continue on those projects that were set down in the spring when the garden demanded attention.

(Needle-turned applique)

Some folks like to grumble about having to stay home
or not being able to do this or that,
but I find it the perfect season for replenishing the soul
or hibernation as I like to call it.
I've never minded being alone and actually need it at times.
I do love my husband and family and friends,
but there is a filtering within that can only be done in solitude.

It is a season like all the others.
Just because it doesn't parade around with bells and whistles
like some of the other seasons
doesn't render it less important.
So take up a cup of your favorite warm beverage,
find a piece of reading or your needle or widdlin' knife
and find a quiet place.
You might be surprised at what your soul has to share.

Keep well and keep warm dear friends.


  1. I absolutely agree with your thoughts – right now is the perfect time to catch up on things, because when the outdoors and gardens call, at least for me, everything inside falls behind. To be honest, this is a season I wish lasted longer – when gardening slows, it’s hurry up for holidays, and then, just as I’m starting to enjoy the long evenings before I know it it’s spring. Not that I don’t enjoy the beautiful flowers and cheerful birds, but like you, I need more of that alone time. Quiet time. Slow time. I’ll follow your lead and catch up on the many photos that I’m falling behind on, so when you’re plowing through yours, know that I’ll be doing the same!

  2. L_L, One of the things I am grappling with is that I think that things take much longer than they actually do. It is a manner of procrastination: I cannot do "x" because it will take so long. In point of fact it does not take nearly that long for most things; rather it is my unwillingness to spend the time. Once I start, things generally go pretty quickly.

  3. Yes! This is a perfect time to get things done, settle in with a comforting book or project and enjoy the quietness of the winter days. Stay warm!

  4. Wow...your quilting and appliqué are beautiful! I can so relate to the hibernation season. Like you, I have always needed alone time. I like how you phrased it...time for filtering. Now, however, there is no shortage of that kind of time for me it seems. ~Robin~

  5. First time to visit your blog, and I very much enjoyed this post. I have been spending the winter days working on our winter project list of many things. Painting is one, which hasn't been done for 15 years. I am also finishing up some lap afghans to donate soon. Have a great week.

  6. That box is lovely especially after you cleaned it up. I am cleaning as I go such as I put some laundry away and weeded out some clothes in my closet. And I had to the attic I pulled a whole box down that will go to the thrift

  7. I love this time of year, too. You have some beautiful projects going. That butcher block looks fabulous now! I use Old English Oil on my antiques and it has the same effect.

  8. I agree it is good to snuggle in and work on projects. I love your quilt and other sewing projects. The box looks so nice cleaned up. Reminds me of when I saddle soaped my great grandfather's saddle. It was all curled up and dried up. It took all summer but I was able to bring it back to life.

  9. Looks like you have quite a few beautiful quilting projects in the works. I have to dig out some of my UFO's!
