
Monday, December 19, 2022

Simple Traditions

 Good Morning Dear Friends
We have been busy as ever 
as I am sure many are this time of year.
For many in the trades,
 work seems to slow down about now through spring.
That's not happened for us since opening the business.
Though a bit of a break would be nice at times,
it truly is a blessing to have the work.
(This is the one for our friends.)

Every year, we go get our Christmas tree
about a week to week and a half before Christmas.
We put real candles on the tree
so there is no way we could have a month old tree
and not have a fire hazard.
Also, I'm not sure I could handle a tree in the house
for that length of time.
It always feels nice and clean when it all comes down
and is put away for another year.
(A clear beautiful day.)

It has been cloudy and foggy here for the past couple weeks.
When we headed up the mountain to our usual place,
we broke through the clouds and were greeted with
wonderful bright sunshine.
Up on top where we stop and begin hiking,
it was 16*.
The chill felt good along with the prospect of an 
evergreen to liven up our living room.
We found one for us and one for some friends
who have 2 little ones and weren't able to go get one.
Once we find the tree(s) and make it back to the rig,
we have "real" hot chocky waiting for us.
It's a welcome treat after trekking through the snow.
It doesn't take very long walking in the snow
to get the heart rate up.
(Especially if you have short legs like me 😊
This year someone had left about a 3' base section of their tree
which I dragged back to use as bows around the house.
It smells so good!
We now have the tree in the house and as decorated
as it's going to get.

We don't worry about perfect dÃĐcor or the perfect shape.
That's not what it's all about.
We have made this journey every year for ages
and don't see an end to it any time soon.
It's these little acts or traditions if you will.
That's part of what makes us reliable.
Our children can depend upon certain things,
and that helps create stability.
For young and old alike,
we like the things we can depend on.
It doesn't have to be anything big or extravagant.
It's often the simple things that mean the most.
(So much help.)

Wishing each of you
a Merry Christmas
and a blessed New Year.


  1. For the life of me I cannot remember reading about or have forgotten what business you established. Maybe the gardening and the summer kitchen stories filled up the space in my memory file.

    1. We have a custom metal fabrication business 😊

  2. Hmmm, typed a comment and lost it. Anyway, I cannot recall reading about or at least don't remember what kind of business you established.

  3. Beautiful views!

    Have a Merry Christmas. 😃

  4. Your tree is lovely and the just the cutting of it sounds like a pleasant afternoon. My grandfather owned lots of land in Maine and we always cut our own tree also. The year after my father died my husband did it. Old city boy had no idea of anything he just had a saw and my mom and I giving him directions. He talks about it still.
    Merry Christmas

  5. Your tree looks so pretty and almost makes me with I'd bothered to put ours up (we have to use an artificial version because they don't allow real ones in the apartment building). I thought about it and then came to the conclusion it simply wasn't worth all the effort to haul everything out just for the two of us.
    Seeing your sweet kitty reminded me of our Mitzi who felt it was her kitty-duty to climb up the inside of the tree every single year. She would sit and wait patiently until the tree was set in place and she promptly climbed it. She never once knocked it over which is a miracle.

  6. Traditions absolutely make a holiday "feel" like a holiday. I love yours. We wait to put up a tree until about ten days before Christmas. Any sooner, and it seems to just become part of the background.

    Interesting about the real candles! I think it would give a truly special feel to it. My grandmother used to tell me about the Christmas trees of her childhood. Her father would sit right next to the tree with a bucket of water for as long as the candles were lit. Their first electric tree lights were huge things; so different from today's mini-lights.

  7. I'm one that loves traditions...and you're right, they're what really make the sweetest memories. Oh the tree...it's so pretty, I don't see any species like that around us that look so open, it would be ideal for real candles. And I'm a big lover of all things old, this would be like stepping back in time. What a sight to see in person...lovely! What's the safest way to light a tree, other than it's absolutely fresh? How long can you keep lighting it over the holidays?

    1. We light the candles only on Christmas Eve. We get something cozy to drink and sit and watch them burn. You have to make sure they are plumb (not leaning) and that there isn't a branch directly above so it doesn't catch fire. We will go over the placement of them before lighting it to make sure they are all in a good spot.

  8. Hmmmm, had to jump thru hoops to comment here and still no icon pic. well at least comment is showing up.

    i have never heard of people using real candles on their tree. that is amazing. i'm sure you know what you are doing and all if fine.

    must be a glorious sight.

    Happy Christmas

  9. L_L, we have had to temporarily put aside a real tree due to A the Cat, who considers it his personal mission (every morning, it seems) of seeing how high he can climb and how many ornaments he can dislodge. Your tree looks - and sounds - wonderful.

  10. How sweet that little kitty is under the tree! I have heard of people using candles on their tree......your tree is so pretty! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!

  11. Found your blog through Pinterest while looking for a quick and easy chicken tractor. Sent the link for your “$42 chicken tractor” to my husband and totally unbeknownst to me, he had already picked that same one out:)
    Like you, I had chickens years ago but with a stationary coop. We wanted to do “portable” this time to be able to utilize with our gardens.
    Just a quick read through some of your previous posts makes me think we live a similar lifestyle and I look forward to revisiting. Very excited to get to work on the chicken tractor this week.
    Have a truly blessed 2023✨

  12. your Christmas is lovely, and I image it smells heavenly. Happy New Year!
