
Monday, February 15, 2021

A Letter From a Friend

Laura says February is letter-writing month so I'm writing y'all a letter.  

Hello Dear Friend,
     Just thought I'd drop a line and say Hi.  You said your weather was not so much to your liking.  Well now, you should see what Old Man Winter has in store for us.  I am actually fond of the snow.  I would prefer to stay home and drink tea and bake cookies, but alas I must venture out to what is necessary.  We are encroaching on St. Valentine's Day.  Do you have a sweetheart?  I hung the pendant I made across the bookshelves.  I need to do something different with it, because I can't see the clock.  I only know what time it is by the chimes, or I have to go in and look at the clock on the coffee pot.  Some folks still have their Christmas trees up and have them decorated for Valentine's.  I put our tree out of the house 2 days after Christmas.  It's in the burn pile now.  I certainly wouldn't want to try to dust a tree.
Do you decorate for St. Valentine's Day?  I was thinking about the little cards we used to exchange when we were kids.  They were sure cuter than what was available last time I saw any.  We were careful about which card we gave to which person.  Friends received the "best" ones and those we were only obligated to give to got the ones with a nice wish but no indication of liking them - Egads!  We wouldn't have wanted that.  That sounds so mean now looking back, but as kids, we only felt what we felt.  
     Well, as I said above, we are supposed to be in for some real winter weather.  It's snowing now, and the ground is white.  We were supposed to have some friends over for Valentine's dinner but the weather is keeping them afar.  It's difficult being away from friends and family but good to know they are warm and safe rather than stranded on the edge of a road somewhere between here and nowhere.  The weather will break and the mud will soon be with us.  That's the part I don't care so much for is "mud season."  At least I'm not trying to pack water out to the critters in 5 gallon buckets in it.  That was always the worst. Now we just have Rip's heated water dish to keep full and Hucklebunny's water to defrost and refill morning and night.  She's so funny.  She gets grumpy when her water freezes.  I don't blame her, but it's still funny.
     I stepped aways from this to get supper going and here it is Presidents Day.  We have a couple feet of snow on the ground.  This is the most snow I've seen since we've moved here.  The past two nights in particular were very cold.  We brought Hucklebunny and Rip in the house for the night.  They each have heat lamps and their own houses, but we were concerned it wouldn't be enough.  They didn't seem to mind.  Bunny was ready to go out to her hutch in the morning.  She doesn't like to potty in her carrier.  I've also filled the bird feeder each morning since the snow has fallen.  The little birds are flocked around the house.  The lilac bush has little feathered globes on nearly every branch :-)  Today was slightly warmer but more snow is expected tonight.  Then tomorrow is back to work and is supposed to be 5-10 degrees warmer yet.  Hopefully it will be enough to thaw the roads.  I saw the plow go by earlier so it shouldn't be too bad.  The rigs going by are still driving pretty slow.  
Yesterday, we went skiing for St. Valentine's Day.  I didn't seem to have my "ski legs" on.  They felt like lead so I was sticking to the calm runs and not going crazy.  I don't know the mountain very well so generally just do the couple of runs I'm familiar with.  Well, late in the day, I thought I was going down one of the easier runs and ended up on a run called "ego" because you have to have quite the ego to go down it.  It is narrow and was mogulled out.  Suffice it to say, I should not have been on that run!  I eventually made it down but was wiped out by the time I reached the bottom.  It took me longer to get down that section of the run than it did for me to do a whole run that matches my level (my level being not that great.)  It was still a good day.  It snowed all day and the trees were simply gorgeous.
I could have tried to go into work this morning but not sure how much I would have been able to do with most other businesses closed.  So I stayed home.  I've been trying to work on making a slipper pattern.  I tried 3 different styles and didn't like any of them so am fashioning my own.  I think I've come up with one that will work.  When I get it all worked out, I'll share more about it.  I deep cleaned the kitchen which was very much needed.  I think after supper, I will turn the self-clean cycle on in the oven.  It needs it and produces quite a bit of heat over the course of several hours which might help keep the heater from kicking on quite as much.  Better now than in summer I'm thinking.  I need to go finish up a load of laundry so will try to get this in the mail before I start on the folding.
Hope you are keeping warm my friends.  Would love to hear from you.


  1. Now, how unique is this!?! How clever, a letter as your blog post. I loved it! Especially your descriptions, including "little feathered globes." That really struck me! Rest up from your skiing and stay warm!

  2. You were so efficient in getting rid of your Christmas tree, I love the beauty and ambiance so much that I kept mine until February. The city picks them up for free and turns them into mulch for city parks, isn't that nice? We are having different weather, not so cold. Be warm. On my blog today I show my magnolia tree buds.

    1. The town where I used to work did that with trees. I thought it was great so they didn't go to the landfill. It hasn't snowed yet today but we're in for more tomorrow. :-) I actually don't mind it.

  3. Thank you for the letter! It was almost as good as opening the mailbox to find it waiting there. Snow! It's a love/ hate thing with us... As for the valentine cards way back then, I would never dream of giving one that had the word "love" on it to a boy! Take care!

  4. I loved this. I felt just like I was reading a letter from a friend.

  5. I haven’t been in the snow for years... the skiing sounds wonderful but I’m very much doubtful of my skills these days 😂 I think I’ll safely deep clean my kitchen ♥️😊

  6. I actually like to see the kitchen all nice and sparkly - doesn't happen all that often ;-)

  7. I write my brother a letter every Sunday. Keeping with a tradition between my grandmother and I. She has passed and I missed my Sundays with pen, paper, and coffee. My brother isn't as diligent, but that is ok. I liked your letter. You are brave to ski. I didn't like going so fast. Snowshoeing is more my speed. It does feel good to clean the kitchen. I enjoyed your"letter."

  8. I think it's awesome that you and your brother write back and forth. Hope you keep the letters. Also, it has taken me a long time to get to my low level of skiing for the very reason you mention. I don't like to go fast. The joke is that I'm a "speeda-deamon" - bahaha.

  9. Hi LL, What a lovely letter. Thank you. Glad to hear that you made it safely down that difficult ski run. That would have scared me.

  10. How wonderful that you and your brother write letters to each other. Handwritten letters are so wonderful to receive in the mail. You are braver than I! I have never tried to ski and I think I would not be able to make it through the ski run you described! Enjoyed your letter post today!

  11. I love hand written letters and miss the ones a friend used to send to me. We both agreed that although we had email, we would always write letters. She passed away a few years ago and there are so many times I want to write to her about the latest thing happening. I loved your letter post!

  12. Your last post was on Feb. 1st. And this post is a long, long, long one. Which would be lovely, if it was a real letter. A real letter, one knows, is to savour over time. Sit down and read it, slowly. Even re-read it, later. That's just the nature, of a snail mail letter.

    But blog posts, are different. We usually are trying to read quite a few posts, at one time. And comment, and move on, to the next on our list. And so, a long, long, long one, although chock-full of details, is rather time consuming.

    Now, I know, this is just my opinion!!!! And if I was polite, I would not even mention it. But having "Vera" as my Icon, it wouldn't be 'in character,' would it?

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. Thank you for the long informative post. Hope you are not too upset, to think about, what I said. About breaking info down, in shorter posts, on more frequent days.

    ðŸŒđ ðŸŒļ 🌚 🌞 🌷

  13. Dear Lady Locust,
    Girl you have had a ton of snow! You've been busy, too. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt on Ego. Thank you for writing a letter to us! It was nice and newsy.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  14. Such a fun letter! I miss the days of getting real honest-to-goodness letters in the mailbox but I'm trying to fill the void by writing letters to our grandsons (6 & 4). They get so excited when there's something in the mailbox that's just for them. When I was little my parents and I went to visit an old man and for some reason he and I took to each other and we wrote letters back and forth until he died. Looking back on it, he was a pretty special man to undertake a correspondence with a little girl. How I wish I still had some of his letters.

  15. Are Hucklebunny and Rip rabbits? I have two rabbits as well, I-Bun (Dutch rabbit with one eye) and Joy (a grey mini-lop). Rabbits have become one of my favorite pets.

    1. Hucklebunny is a bunny and Rip is our dog. When he was a puppy, he had little seam-rupper teeth so he was our little Seam Ripper 😁. He’s 8 now. Not sure how old HB is because she was a rescue 🐰

  16. just stopped by to say hello. Hope this finds you are having nice spring days!
