
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Squirrelling :-)

It's autumn.
Isn't it lovely?

One of my favorite things about autumn is the smell.
I know, that sounds a little weird,
but the crispness in the air brings about a scent that notes the season.
The other thing that begins to happen is the oven can be used again.
During summer months, we do more barbequing or simple meals 
that don't require a lot of cooking time. 
Now we can bring out the crockpot or
put a roast in the oven.
We tend to start nesting
or as I like to call it "Squirrelling."
I am hesitant to even use that word as folks go straight in their mind to women.
But men nest too, it just looks different.
Women tend to bring the throws out of storage and clean and arrange certain areas of the home for the upcoming season.
While men tend to sharpen blades, store certain things until next spring and
prepare for upcoming weather and tasks.
So you see it's the same really. . . . but different.
And there are scents that go along with those activities.
Woodsmoke, pot roast, a favorite candle~
And even better - spices.
I love spiced cookies.
I finally made a batch of speculaas which I hadn't made in about 7 years.
They are so good, I could eat the whole batch.
Woe is me!
I put most of them in the freezer to keep them out of easy reach.
Another favorite is spiced apple anything.
It's apple season.
Hubby likes when I slice them, sprinkle them with cinnamon and dehydrate them.
My mother-in-law tried them a while back.
I gave her a jar.
She later informed me she ate the whole jar before she got home.
I told her she should stay close to home for a day ;-)

There is a recipe I have that is actually scribed into the bottom of an apple shaped dish.
I usually do make it with apples, but have also made it with other fruits.
One more thing about autumn is we tend to begin gathering.
Critters do this as well this time of year.
I always find it interesting when people follow suit with nature unknowingly.
If you have a gathering to host or attend,
this recipe has served me well.
I hope you enjoy it also.

Oh yea, if you would like some spiced cider to go with it,
you can find my recipe for that here.

Apple Torte~

Before you get too far, let me share.  
I don't actually mix the apples in with the dough.
They don't really"mix" well.
The dough is a little dry-ish but never fear, 
the juice from the apples moistens it.
I just put down a layer of apples then some dough crumbles, 
then apples then dough, etc. 

One other warning~
I measure generously when I am making the dough,
because I'm pretty sure it is physically impossible not to snitch a bite of the dough :-)

That is some cinnamon apple goodness right there.
Serve with Homemade Vanilla Icecream and enjoy!

Happy Fall~


  1. Lovely post. Nothing says autumn like a spicy apple dessert, and how nifty is that apple shaped bowl. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of the bowl. It sounds like your mother-in-law and I have the same reliable restraint around treats. ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Your apple torte looks oh-so delicious. I can't wait to try out your recipe, and to sample a bit of the dough. :~)I made a spice cake yesterday. Now, the house smells so spicy and fallish.

  3. I am almost drooling. This sounds so good. I too am doing some baking lately. Unusual for me. Can't help it with it being so nice and cool. It does make the house smell so good.

  4. Ohhh, what a gorgeous dessert!!! Can almost taste it.

    But poor me, who has to eat Gluten Free, for health and quality of life, could not eat regular desserts. Enjoy some more, for me!

    Oh yes, all you said,, about what I call Hibernating, at this time of year. Oh yes!!!!!!!

    And of course, men enjoy a cozy, warm home too. Not just women. My husband certainly enjoys it.

    So glad I got to the point, of noticing all the delightful things, which can be part of November. It used to be dull and dreary and etc. But looking at what can be "the bright side," has helped so much. -smile-


  5. Autumn definitely has its own smell, I don't think that is weird at all. I definitely start nesting at this time of year, slowing down and taking more rests. I feel that is what this time of year is all about. Spiced Apple Dessert is what Autumn is all about isn't it?

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed this post as this is the season we are in now and meant to enjoy today! I have my scented candles, my soup and stew recipes are out and we are working on putting yard stuff away. I love that word squirreling

  7. Wonderful recipe, thank you! I have been drinking spiced apple cider. I love this time of year, too. It feels comforting to be cooking again, and sitting by the fire.

  8. I also love autumn. I do most of my squirreling wen I harvest from the garden. I just made homemade bread and a bear roast. Your tort reminds me of my mom's apple crisp. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  9. Ooh, your apple torte looks delicious. Once a year or so I make an apple pie, and this year I'm going to try your recipe. :) Thanks Lady Locust.

  10. Oh....that looks GREAT! I understand, I love the smell also, however, my nose is not crazy about the mold that tends to grow under rotting leaves! Been doing some sneezing, but then again, Tis the Season to be Sneezing. I love the smell, the feel, the colors, the warmer cloths....love.

  11. ohhh this looks and I bet smell amazing. What a pretty dish. I love items which have a crochet edge, doesn't it just spruce it up a bit. Maybe time for me to do some towels. I haven't done any in a while. Thank you for stopping over.

  12. Oh my, that looks so good! Love the dish. It would be perfect with homemade ice cream.

    Dan and I both appreciate the days where it's better to stay indoors than go out for long. It's a precious time, really. A nice time to do handwork and reading without feeling like I ought to be doing something else!

  13. You have me drooling with all the apples! And yes, I too like the fragrances of autumn. Wood smoke, yes. Baking. Pumpkin pie. Cinnamon spice...even damp fallen leaves refresh my senses.

  14. You have a wonderful blog. I've just read your last post, "That place still exists" and loved every word. Oh, that is so true. The apple recipe sounds delicious and looks so pretty. I love how you write and the things you write about.
