Monday, January 14, 2019

Comments to Your blogs

Hello all~
Over the past week or so,  I have commented to multiple blog posts. Unless everyone is mad at me, the comments aren’t going through.  Although it is peaceful, I’m looking forward to having internet again next week.


  1. Your comment came through on mine! I eager for you to have internet again. It will be fun to be reading each others good news and plans.

  2. I honestly don't remember if you commented on my blog or not, but I'll be glad when your service is functional.

  3. I'm NOT mad at you and hope you receive this comment. Must say tho, there is a glitch in some blog providers where either the blogger does not receive comments in their personal email....OR... you aren't able to respond to people who have a "NO-REPLY Blogger" . Hope you see my email and hope it helps.

  4. My dear friend, I received one comment through email. I love you! What a skettle Of fish... I can’t wait to visit with you again! Muawhhh!

  5. Hi Selina, I published your comment on my post An Excellent Book. I didn't receive a comment on my latest post. I am not mad at you!

  6. Your comment came through Lady Locust.

    I hope you have internet again soon.

  7. Wishing you much success in your move! Moving is a lot of work.

  8. AH HA!!!! You commented on my "onion skin dye" post and I wanted to reply to you. BUT, when I hit the 'reply' tab this is what came up:

    From: Kimm Moore []
    Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 1:41 PM
    Subject: [Saundra of Woodland Junction] New comment on Onion Skin Dyeing.

    Kimm Moore has left a new comment on your post "Onion Skin Dyeing":
    I agree, your wool looks warmer with more hooking possibilities. Yay!

    NOTICE that behind your name is a "NO-REPLY Blogger". That means we can type a message, send it but you won't get it because in your profile or settings you have not done something right so people can reply to you. So do a GOOGLE search on "how to fix NO-REPLY BLOGGER". Hope you can get it all straightened out so you don't feel alone any longer.

  9. Maybe this link will help you. It requires a little reading but the tutorial is there so when you comment to people's blogs they will be able to reply. Good luck.

