
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sensing the Season

The race is on...
lately there have been some beautiful autumn posts and pictures.
(out by our gate)
What goes through my head is
"Waaaaiiit! I'm not ready yet."
The pears are on,
The tomatoes are on,
The plums and cukes are still on.
(one day's worth)
All of these need preserving.
The dehydrater is going full bore.
The canning pots are standing ready.
The pantry shelves are still receiving.
The tree with eating apples is not quite ready yet.
The celery is taking its own sweet time.
We had about 6 weeks of 100 plus degree weather
this summer and had to keep things alive through it.
I want to reap and preserve as much of the bounty as possible.
There is still so much to do.
We still need to:
begin pulling and cleaning up the garden
as certain things begin to fizzle out,
get firewood,
as trees finish up, prune them (this is their year,)
clean chimney / ready wood stove, and
deep clean kitchen after harvest which isn't finished.

Yes, I realize this just seems like some
crazy person's to-do list,
but really it's about living with nature.
I don't want to rush it.
Don't get me wrong, I love autumn,
the rich warm colours,
and the crisp cool nights.
If we take our cues from nature
and the critters,
late summer is for squirrelling away our winter store.
The chipmunks have been busy,
the quail nesting earilier in the evening,
the bear foraging on fallen fruit of all sorts,
and birds soaring to warmer climes.
This is where we find ourselves.
I mean really find ourselves.
It's living right with nature:
it's just what is here now and
making the most of the gifts we are granted.
It's not rushing forward into the next season.
Our society forces this upon us by putting
Christmas decor out in October
and St. Valentine's candy out at New Year etc.
Neither, is it grasping to what is gone.
You might try swimming in the river,
but you won't last long - the water is cooling down.
All of this said,
maybe just appreciate the sense of season,
the now season.
It's an in between season with no real name,
no longer summer and not quite autumn.
It's the gift of today,
and isn't today just beautiful?

Until next time,
Nimble Fingers and Even Stitches


  1. Lots of work for you but you will reap the rewards. What a wonderful place you live in, think of us poor city dwellers. So much bounty, i do have a few fruit trees but the apple ones were the only ones to produce any fruit and they do not look the least bit appertising as they are so small and have been attacked by grubs or similar,

    1. Our fruit trees and berries didn't do anything last year. Maybe that's why I'm so gung-ho to get to all of it this year. Here's hoping next year yours will be bountiful.

  2. It can be a busy time of year, for sure!

  3. I hope we get to enjoy a LONG Fall :)

  4. Ok, I'm not sure if my first comment published...I don't see it!
    My friend, I love reading what you've written in this blog. There's something very enchanting with this site and with the way you approach your reflections. Reading your writing makes me want to visit and unplug!

  5. I agree with you! We can't rush through today... It is what life is made of after all (time)! And won't you be so perfectly pleased with your full pantry this winter!!! :)
